About project

Maman Couture is an online-shopping tool that helps young mothers to find latest fashion trends easily online with no necessity to spend time going out into the physical store.
I know that the majority of young mothers struggle with time issues, so I have created simple and accessible designs in order to find anything quickly while breastfeeding or while trying to bring the baby to bed.

User Stories

  • As a customer, I want there to be a variety of payment options, so that I can choose the payment method that suits me best.

  • As a new customer, I want to access the inventory without having to register, so that I can make sure this store has what I’m looking for before having to create an account.

  • As a returning customer, I want to be able to save items that I cannot buy to a wish list, so that I can purchase them at a later date.


  • Onboarding

  • Home

  • My wishlist

  • Payment options

  • Search

  • Checkout

Color Palette

The colors are build around the idea of concrete material that represents something very solid and modern that allows to stick to the minimalistic visual approach and use bold primary colors.

The primary color is one of the symbols for elegance and chicness - purple. it is also considered as the color of royalty as it represents the power and richness. So by choosing purple as the primary color, I want to emphasize the power and the elegance each mother.